Squash Academy

“Welcome to my Squash Academy. Here, you will find information for upcoming squash events for Junior and Adult players, and also how to access my physical conditioning programmes for squash and how to work with me personally. Here’s to your sporting success!”

- Stephen Thompson

Junior Squash Coaching

Adult Squash Coaching


  • You can reach out to Stephen directly at stephenthompsoncoaching@gmail.com.

  • The Squash Performance Blueprint is a 6 week course for adults designed to push your squash fitness forwards in either endurance & stamina, or power & explosiveness and empower you with a greater understanding of your squash game through match analysis, tactical development and building your squash strategy.

  • This programme is designed to improve the physical development of Junior squash athletes.

    It has 3 main objectives:

    1. Coordinate an extra fitness session that is well structured and works on a different area of fitness each week (strength, stamina, balance, explosiveness, power & mobility/flexibility);

    2. Further educate on how to improve in each of the the above areas of fitness and it how it relates to their improved performance;

    3. Provide a greater appreciation of how taking care of our physical and mental health impacts our sports performance.

  • We have programmes that work specifically on building your strength and fitness for squash both for juniors and adults. The Squash Performance Blueprint is for adults and the Physical Conditioning programme is for juniors.