Get in great shape, perform at your best and look & feel super-charged
Meet Stephen
“We all have to start somewhere, and when I began, I didn’t know where to get started. So my first step was finding my own coach! Now with over 15 years of training and practice in sports science, working with athletes and coaching my clients to increased health and energy, I’m here to help you too.”
- Stephen
Stephen Thompson
Head Coach
I love being competitive. Whether it’s a game of cards, a board game, competing in sporting competitions for squash, or playing snap with my daughter (or any one of my clients for that matter!). In the past I have been given nicknames such as the Terminator, Competitive Stephen or, my personal favourite, Stephen 110% Thompson. Now these are all a little tongue in cheek, as I am a very amicable and warm person, with no wish to terminate anyone, but when it comes to competition if there’s a way to win (within the rules) I’m all over it. I have a drive to perform, to learn, to progress but most of all to develop and operate at a high level to serve my family, my clients and my community in the biggest way that I can.
Something that I think is incredibly important is factoring in time for myself. This could be first thing in the morning to read, to run or workout, or setting time aside regularly to build the important relationships in my life that make it all so much more worthwhile and enjoyable. Taking time to reflect, improve and grow is second only to spending time with my family in my life. Working with my own coaches and mentors helps keep me on my toes and pushing forwards, and recognising the times when I need to take a step back and relax as well!
I love exploring and connecting with nature. I enjoy being active and adventuring with my wife and daughter. When they can both come together, my happy place! There’s nothing more that I enjoy than clambering over the rocks on a new beach with my daughter and challenging her to jump further, climb higher and build her confidence with her abilities. Or hiking up a new mountain and being reminded of how small we really are in the grand scheme of this beautiful world.
My real passion lies in building people up. I get a real kick out of helping others overcome boundaries they previously thought impossible and supporting people in learning something new, adopting new positive life-enhancing habits and being part of their growth journey.