Power Programme

Power fitness test

Complete your power fitness test on week 1 and week 6 of the programme. You need to complete 5 sets of 10 court sprints, with 30 secs rest allowed in-between each set. Collect the 5 times for each set that you complete 10 sprints. E.g.

Set 1 - 26 seconds, Set 2 - 27 seconds, Set 3 - 32 seconds, Set 4 - 33 seconds, Set 5 - 34 seconds.

Watch the video below to see how it works.

Power fitness test

Level 1- Bolt-on sprints

Complete your bolt-on sprints session once per week. You can include this at the end of a training session, a practice match or include as part of a solo session.

Week 1 - 5 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 45 secs burpees

Week 2 - 6 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 2 x 45 secs burpees

Week 3 - 7 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 2 x 45 secs burpees

Week 4 - 8 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 3 x 45 secs burpees

Week 5 - 9 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 3 x 45 secs burpees

Week 6 - 10 × 10 sprints (30 secs rest) + 4 x 45 secs burpees

Level 2 - Power workout

Complete this workout once per week (twice if you can fit it in).

Split lunges - 15 secs

Box jumps - 15 secs

Then rest for 30-45secs

Tuck jumps - 15 secs

1 leg hops - 15 secs

Rest for 30-45secs before repeating 3-5 times.

Power workout

Level 3 - Power ghosting

Complete your ghosting protocol at least once a week if you can. 3 rounds of 3 sets of ghosting.

Front corners x 15secs (rest for 45secs)

Across the middle x 15 secs (rest for 45 secs)

Back corners x 15 secs (rest for 45 secs)

Repeat 3 times.